Maximum of 5 students per class
To reduce the risk of the spread of COVID-19, we are required to abide by the nationwide safe management measures. We seek your understanding and patience as we make our studio a safe and fun place for our students and team during this challenging period.
1. Students who are placed on Leave of Absence (LOA) or Approved Absence (AA) by their schools, or students who are on a Stay Home Notice (SHN), or Home Quarantine Order (HQO) are not permitted to attend lessons.
2. Students with fever or respiratory symptoms, such as sneezing, breathlessness, runny nose, loss of smell, cough, or sore throat will be asked to rest at home. If a family member living in the same household is unwell, we seek your kind understanding to keep your child at home during this period.
3. All common facilities and high touch areas in the classroom will be thoroughly disinfected between classes.
4. Parents/Caregivers are encouraged to drop off and pick up children promptly to avoid students lingering in waiting areas. Kindly check in with SafeEntry before entering our premises.
5. For the safety and concentration of our students and art educators, please avoid entering the studio while classes are in session. Thank you!